
How Creative Restrictions Can Lead to Successful Outcomes

Trigger warning: this newsletter may cause anxiety-inducing flashbacks to high school English class.

Aristotle proposed a theory of classical drama that called for three specific unities:

  1. unity of action: a tragedy should have one principal action.
  2. unity of time: the action in a tragedy should occur over a period of no more than 24 hours.
  3. unity of place: a tragedy should exist in a single physical location.

The use of limited technology in ancient Greek theater made sense due to the lack of lighting, special effects, smoke machines, and sound systems at the time. Despite these restrictions, the theater of antiquity still had a major impact on modern theater and inspired the works of renowned playwrights like William Shakespeare.

Although film and television have gained freedom from the traditional stage, the fundamentals of storytelling remain the same. Aristotle’s dramatic unities and Shakespeare’s 5-act structure of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution can still be seen in today’s most popular media. This structure of storytelling, which has been used for centuries, is credited for producing timeless works like Hamlet and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

Creativity can be encouraged by restrictions and boundaries, as they demand a creative approach to find a solution or overcome a challenge. Working within a time-tested structure can lead to more creative outcomes than if unconstrained, as the creator is pushed to think outside the box and find a unique solution. In general, pushing yourself to reach for something often produces superior results.

Social media may seem like a chaotic place, but there is often a structure of success that is visible. Creators have found creative ways to take advantage of the limitations of the platform to generate viral results. In fact, some creators add layers of limitations to showcase their talent.

For example, some musicians have composed songs using unconventional items such as LEGO bricks, food, and Minecraft to create an entirely new listening experience. Creator DanTDM generated a song  wholly out of Minecraft sounds, to the tune of 7 million views:

The complexity of the task showcases the skill and ingenuity of the creator. Making music without instruments is a difficult challenge, making the pleasure of the final product even more impactful and infectious.

Many of us are inclined to reject structure and assume that true creativity necessitates complete freedom. However, successful creators of content recognize that having boundaries and guidelines can actually spur creative breakthroughs.

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