Content Breakdown

Stand Out Using Storytelling Blueprints: Format Your Message for Success!

August 26, 2024

2 min read

Hey, we get it. Ever feel like your message gets lost in the sea of countless others out there? You pour your heart into crafting your brand and message, only to see it struggle to grab attention.

Is it that no one cares about what you have to say?

Well, maybe it's not about the content, but rather about how it's presented.

What if I told you there’s a better way to get your message out there effectively?

It’s called a format.

Formats are like storytelling blueprints where you can fit your message into. They give you the framework to share your story and make your message heard.

Take, for example, Caleb Simpson’s “Can I Tour Your House?” It's a simple yet engaging setup where he asks strangers “How much do you pay for rent? Can I take a tour?”. The results are not only intriguing but also go viral, with videos hitting over 30 million views.

Caleb Simpson

Now, I know what you're thinking. “How does this fit my brand or business?” Don't worry, I've got you covered. Remember, a format is a versatile storytelling structure where you can embed your message.

Let me walk you through how this format could work across five different industries.

Real Estate & Mortgage Pros: It's a no-brainer. Professionals in these fields can ask about rent, home prices, mortgage rates.

Car Enthusiasts: If you're into cars, approach luxury car owners, ask how much they paid for their car, or how much they typically spend on detailing.

Fashionistas: Dive into the world of fashion by asking about outfits, shoes, accessories, and taking a peek inside closets.

Dog Lovers: Engage with dog owners, ask about their furry companions, and maybe offer a training session or a cool trick.

If you're a Hair/Nail/Beauty provider, why not ask a friend how much they paid for their haircut? Then offer them a free trim, eyebrow threading, or whatever they fancy.

One structure–Five different directions. And there’s countless more.

Using a format isn't about copying someone's video; it's more like finding a solid structure and building your content around that. Just as successful movies stick to the 3-act structure, shaping your video content based on a format just makes sense.

If you want people to care about your message, you have to make them care. Formats provide the framework to do that.

Want help with your social media strategy? Connect 1-on-1 with my team here to see if we are the right fit to work together.

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