
Deep and meaningful connections in 60 seconds

Deep and meaningful connections in 60 seconds

Hey, Which of the following statistics is the most important? TikTok is one of the most downloaded apps in the Google Play store.  There are 29.7 million global daily average users on TikTok.  88% of ...

Too old for TikTok?

Too old for TikTok?

Justin Bieber is almost 30. Let that sink in for a minute. The baby-faced teen idol synonymous with youth culture and social media trends has settled down and set aside (mostly) his wild child ways. When Bieber ...

Avatar is a movie, not a marketing tool

Avatar is a movie, not a marketing tool

When you imagine your ideal customer, you probably have a list of attributes that form an avatar. For example, if you sell jewelry, your target avatar might be a female, 30-35 years old, university-educated, high-i...

We know how to speak to 95% of your audience

We know how to speak to 95% of your audience

Osmosis is the process of absorption; a usually effortless and often unconscious assimilation. And this effortless assimilation process is often touted as the best way to learn a new language. The theory goes that ...

“It’s Corn! A big lump with knobs” 🌽

“It’s Corn! A big lump with knobs” 🌽

Hey, The question we hear the most at Hook Point is, “I get what you’re saying about growing my following with viral content, but how do I monetize that following?” We understand that concern. After all, it's...

Strategy Sessions With Brendan Kane

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